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FoldUnfold Table of Contents General Information Spawning Vagrants Evil Vagrants Good Vagrants & Drift Item Bags Red/ Black Phantoms Self-Spawning Delay Queue Vagrant Locations

Also known as Drift Items. Vagrants are rare monsters that appear in specific places after other players have died and lost a large amount of humanity, or have dropped certain items. They are typically created unintentionally and randomly by other players online.

From the Online Features section of the game manual:

If you drop a certain item or lose a large amount of Humanity,
those items and Humanity move to another player's world and
form Vagrant enemies.

General Information

ImageTypeDropsSouls (NG)HP (NG)
Evil Vagrant (White)Humanity x110074 - 199
Evil Vagrant (Red)Twin Humanities x1100148 - 399
Good Vagrant (White)Charcoal Pine Resin
Dung Pie
Green Titanite Shard
Large Soul of a Lost Undead
Large Titanite Shard
Prism Stone x2
Purple Moss Clump
Repair Powder
Soul of a Nameless Soldier
Transient Curse
10062 - 167
Good Vagrant (Red)Blooming Purple Moss Clump
Blue Titanite Chunk
Copper Coin
Demon Titanite
Divine Blessing
Dragon Scale
Egg Vermifuge
Gold Coin
Gold Pine Resin
Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier
Large Soul of a Proud Knight
Purging Stone
Red Titanite Chunk
Silver Coin
Titanite Chunk
Twinkling Titanite
White Titanite Chunk
100124 - 334
Evil Vagrant
  • The Good Vagrants look like an egg with legs, and will flee from the player and disappear just like Crystal Lizards. They do not have any attacks.
  • Evil Vagrants have pincers, making them look like a crab monster. They have a weak melee attack, but also a dangerous projectile attack (vaguely resembling a Homing Soulmass) that will sometimes kill players in one hit.
  • Both Vagrant types are easy to kill as they have low defense and HP. Avoiding the evil Vagrants' projectile attacks or finding the good Vagrants before they flee and disappear are the only real challenges presented in defeating them.
  • The red versions of the vagrants are also known "black phantoms", sharing the phantom type of red invaders and Gravelord Black Phantoms. Unlike their counterparts, they dissolve when they die instead of leaving a corpse.

Spawning Vagrants

Evil Vagrants

  • Evil Vagrants are the result of unretrieved humanity being lost. If a bloodstain containing 5 or more soft-humanity isn't picked up by a player before they die, a Vagrant will be sent to another person online.
  • An Evil Vagrant that someone fails to kill will continue to be sent to another random player each time it's abandoned.

Good Vagrants & Drift Item Bags

  • Good Vagrants are the result of Drift Item Bags that have passed around 10 or more times without being picked up.
  • A Drift Item Bag is the result of players dropping and abandoning certain items. Once abandoned, a Drift Item Bag will appear for another player in the exact same location. If the drift item bag isn't found and picked up by its recipient, it is sent out again to another world.
  • Like the Evil Vagrant, a Good Vagrant that isn't killed will continue to be sent to more worlds each time it's abandoned. This includes when a player scares off the Good Vagrant and it disappears.

The following items are capable of spawning Drift Item Bags & Good Vagrants:

Item DroppedResults in a Drift Item Bag CarryingResulting Good White Vagrant DropsResulting Good Red Vagrant Drops
Purging StoneLloyd's TalismanTransient CursePurging Stone
Souvenir of ReprisalLloyd's TalismanTransient CursePurging Stone
Transient CurseLloyd's TalismanTransient CursePurging Stone
Humanity (item)Lloyd's TalismanTransient CursePurging Stone
Twin HumanitiesLloyd's TalismanTransient CursePurging Stone
Copper CoinRubbishPurple Moss ClumpBlooming Purple Moss Clump
RubbishRubbishPurple Moss ClumpBlooming Purple Moss Clump
Eye of DeathRubbishDung PieEgg Vermifuge
Silver CoinRubbishDung PieEgg Vermifuge
Gold CoinRubbishCharcoal Pine ResinGold Pine Resin
Gold Pine ResinRubbishCharcoal Pine ResinGold Pine Resin
Sunlight MedalRubbishCharcoal Pine ResinGold Pine Resin
Unique Gear +3 and higherRubbishRepair PowderTwinkling Titanite
Demon Gear +3 and higherRubbishRepair PowderDemon Titanite
Dragon Gear +3 and higherRubbishRepair PowderDragon Scale
Divine BlessingPrism StonePrism Stone x2Divine Blessing
Fire Keeper SoulPrism StonePrism Stone x2Divine Blessing
PendantPrism StonePrism Stone x2Divine Blessing
All RingsPrism StonePrism Stone x2All Coin types
Titanite SlabTitanite ShardLarge Titanite ShardTitanite Chunk
Blue Titanite SlabTitanite ShardGreen Titanite ShardBlue Titanite Chunk
Red Titanite SlabTitanite ShardGreen Titanite ShardRed Titanite Chunk
White Titanite SlabTitanite ShardGreen Titanite ShardWhite Titanite Chunk
Upgraded Non-Unique Gear1Titanite ShardLarge Titanite Shard
Green Titanite Shard
Titanite Chunk
Chunk type based on upgrade path
Soul of a Brave WarriorSoul of a Lost UndeadLarge Soul of a Lost UndeadLarge Soul of a Nameless Soldier
Large Soul of a Brave WarriorSoul of a Lost UndeadLarge Soul of a Lost UndeadLarge Soul of a Nameless Soldier
Soul of a HeroLarge Soul of a Lost UndeadSoul of a Nameless SoldierLarge Soul of a Proud Knight
Soul of a Great HeroLarge Soul of a Lost UndeadSoul of a Nameless SoldierLarge Soul of a Proud Knight

Note that proper methods for abandoning an item includes anything that causes an area to unload and reload (dying, homeward, dark sign, or even traveling far enough away and returning).

Red/ Black Phantoms

All Vagrants initially spawn as their white, non-phantom versions. Once they are passed to their 20th recipient, they become Black Phantoms.2


Players cannot directly spawn Vagrants for themselves, though it is possible for someone to have their Drift Item Bag or Vagrant return to them after someone else retrieves and then abandons them.

Anyone wishing to see a Vagrant in their world can improve their chances by continually seeding other players' worlds with Vagrants, to increase the likelihood of having one come back. This requires abandoning stockpiles of 5+ soft-humanity (for Evil Vagrants), or dropping 1 of something that creates Drift Item Bags (for Good Vagrants), repeatedly. This method works better for the Evil Vagrants, due to the initial Drift Item phase the Good Vagrants require.

Delay Queue

Drift Item Bags and Vagrants do not spawn spontaneously. They are initially received in an "incoming" queue, and will spawn immediately after the next time the player reloads that area (e.g, dying).

Killing a Vagrant or picking up a Drift Item Bag will initiate a timer that may freeze anything entering the queue afterwards, impeding their reception or delivery. The timer takes 80 minutes to clear.

Vagrant Locations

Though Drift Item Bags appear in the exact spot that other players drop them, both types of Vagrants have fixed spawn locations. Similar to how invader spawn locations work, Vagrants will wind up at the nearest corresponding location.

Photo album showing all Vagrant locations

+ Show list of locations - Hide list of locations
AreaTypeExact Location
Undead BurgEvilUpper Undead Burg, on top of the tower by the Taurus Demon, by the two Undead Soldier archers
Undead BurgEvilUpper Undead Burg, on the top floor of the first building with the broken stairs, before the first fog gate
Undead BurgGoodUpper Undead Burg, on top of the small tower by the crossbow-wielding Undead Soldier
Undead BurgGoodUpper Undead Burg, in the building in the lower area by the very beginning, before the two climbing hollow ambush traps
Undead BurgEvilLower Undead Burg, in the first Undead Assassin room on the left
Undead BurgGoodLower Undead Burg, in the last Undead Assassin room on the left
Undead ParishEvilOutside terrace by the Sunlight Altar
Undead ParishEvilNear the Heavy Knight and Fire Keeper Soul, inside the church
Undead ParishGoodIn the room above the Mystery Key, before the first fog gate
Undead ParishGoodOutside the church, in the corner to the left of the crossbow Armored Hollow
Darkroot GardenEvilOn the cliff by the Giant Stone Knight, near the Wolf Ring
Darkroot GardenEvilInside the Forest area, on a cliff ledge before the bridge to Sif
Darkroot GardenGoodBy the cliff where the group of Frog-Rays jump out
Darkroot GardenGoodInside the Forest area, on the bridge after Alvina
Darkroot BasinEvilBy the waterfall near the Hydra
Darkroot BasinGoodAt the base of the slope, underneath the Hunter's Armor Set
DepthsEvilBehind the iron bars where the Basilisk runs by
DepthsEvilInside the room with Laurentius
DepthsGoodIn the narrow corridor leading to the fog gate, in the side path just before the 1st pitfall.
DepthsGoodIn the corner terrace near the entrance to the Gaping Dragon fog gate, two floors above ground level.
BlighttownEvilOn the wooden structure, near the Parasitic Wall Hugger (by the highest sewer-tunnel entrance)
BlighttownEvilIn the swamp, opposite end from the drainpipe containing the bonfire (near the Pyromancer Set)
BlighttownGoodEntering from the Depths, on the lower platform to the right (the area with the ladder leading to it by the toxic archer)
BlighttownGoodStraight across the swamp after descending the large wooden structure that leads towards upper Blighttown
The Great HollowEvilAt the base of the Great Hollow, by the Mushrooms
The Great HollowGoodInside the small center "room", underneath the Cloranthy Ring
Ash LakeEvilNear the Everlasting Dragon
Ash LakeGoodIn the water right by the cliff behind the driftwood tunnel segment (steep beach area)
Sen's FortressEvilNear the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring, in the area behind the breakable wall
Sen's FortressEvilIn the tar pit by the last Titanite Demon
Sen's FortressEvilOn the dead end path behind the Rapier-wielding Balder Knight
Sen's FortressGoodIn a corner near the top of the ladder that leads to the portcullis-opening Giant
Sen's FortressGoodIn the cell near the interior boulder paths, by the Serpent Mage on the wooden platform
Sen's FortressGoodAt the bottom of the tower with the Crestfallen Merchant
Anor LondoEvilOn the flying buttress leading to the Silver Knight archers
Anor LondoEvilUpstairs in the main hall, near the broken window leading to the Dragonslayer Greatbow
Anor LondoEvilIn the catwalk area of the painting room, on the base of the Gwynevere statue
Anor LondoGoodBehind the bottom of the corkscrew elevator, underneath the spiral staircase
Anor LondoGoodTurn left before first group of Batwing Demons, towards open space/ cliff. On the hidden buttress there
Anor LondoGoodIn a corner of the room containing the three Silver Knights that block Siegmeyer
Painted World of AriamisEvilIn the cellar with the Wheel Skeletons
Painted World of AriamisEvilIn the small, empty courtyard with the drop-down path. Near the Snow Rats
Painted World of AriamisGoodIn the courtyard behind the well
Painted World of AriamisGoodOn the rafters beneath the hollow archer and group of climbing ambush hollows, above the Snow Rats
New Londo RuinsEvilBehind the base of the staircase near the first two Ghosts in the level
New Londo RuinsEvilBy the Witch Beatrice summon sign
New Londo RuinsEvilOn the backside of the roof of the Ghost House, near Ingward
New Londo RuinsGoodIn the small room with the Fire Keeper Soul by the group of ambush ghosts
New Londo RuinsGoodGround level of the first Ghost House, in one of the small wooden-structure rooms
New Londo RuinsGoodIn the small isolated room on the left after the broken staircase, outside the second ghost house
The Duke's ArchivesEvilOn top of the bookcase opposite of the bookcase with the Crystal Hollow archer, near the bonfire
The Duke's ArchivesEvilAt the base of the staircase near the bonfire
The Duke's ArchivesGoodUnderneath the staircase near the bonfire
Crystal CaveEvilOn the branching dead-end path of the invisible bridge leading to the Blue Titanite Slab
Crystal CaveGoodOn the straight, invisible path leading towards the lower Crystal Golem.
Demon RuinsEvilAt the bottom of the spiral path leading into the lava-drainable area
Demon RuinsGoodAt the bottom of the spiral path leading into the lava-drainable area
Demon RuinsEvilOn the protruding platform with the multiple Capra Demons
Demon RuinsGoodNext to the Large Flame Ember Chest
Demon RuinsEvilBy the shortcut elevator to Quelaag's Domain, overlooking the Firesage Demon room
Demon RuinsGoodBy the shortcut elevator to Quelaag's Domain, on the left dead-end
Lost IzalithEvilAtop the structure above the corridor containing the many Demonic Statues. Next to Rare Ring of Sacrifice
Lost IzalithGoodBy the chest inside the temple in the lava area
Undead AsylumEvilOn the upper level by the hollows, outside the Asylum Demon's fog gate
Undead AsylumGoodOn the upper level after the door to the Rusted Iron Ring
CatacombsEvilNear the Titanite Demon in the long hallway
CatacombsEvilAfter the first rotating bridge, drop into the first room of the breakable-floor path to the right
CatacombsGoodBehind Patches
CatacombsGoodOutside the breakable wall leading to Vamos
Tomb of the GiantsEvilOn a ledge near the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring
Tomb of the GiantsEvilIn the pit that Patches knocks you into
Tomb of the GiantsGoodOn top of the drop-down path leading back towards Pinwheel's room and the Catacombs (next to the corpse item)
Tomb of the GiantsGoodIn the watery area with the respawning skeleton babies
Kiln of the First FlameEvilTo the left of the pillar before the third Black Knight
Kiln of the First FlameGoodUp in the dunes to the left of the second Black Knight
Royal WoodEvilAcross from the first shortcut tower after the sanctuary bonfire, on a small overhang across the chasm
Royal WoodGoodOn the corner-cliff by the Guardian Helm (spot requiring running jump)
Oolacile TownshipEvilNext to the Bloathead Sorcerer at the end of the long, narrow wooden bridge
Oolacile TownshipGoodOn the outside, lower perimeter walkway of the building near the light-revealed illusory wall
Chasm of the AbyssEvilBehind the Bloathead Sorcerer overlooking the large group of Humanity Phantoms
Chasm of the AbyssGoodOn the lowest outcrop in the area with the descending paths (near the Alvina/ Sif area).
Footnotes 1. Works with any upgrade path that doesn't require Twinkling Titanite, Demon Titanite, or Dragon Scales, though the amount needed depends on the path:
  • Regular weapon path requires +11 or higher
  • Divine weapon path requires +6 or higher
  • Fire weapon path requires +6 or higher
  • Magic weapon path requires +6 or higher
  • Chaos weapon path requires +0 or higher
  • Crystal weapon path requires +0 or higher
  • Enchanted weapon path requires +0 or higher
  • Lightning weapon path requires +0 or higher
  • Occult weapon path requires +0 or higher
  • Upgraded armor requires +6 or higher
2. This includes the first 10 passes as a Drift Item Bag for the Good Vagrants.