Red Eye Orb
In-Game Description
Online play item.
Invade another world.
(Only Covenanter can use the item while Hollows cannot)
Defeat the master of the world you have
invaded to acquire humanity.
The Darkwraiths of Kaathe use this orb to
seek humanity and plunge further into dark.
Perhaps they are more human than we?
- Allows for infinite invasions of other players
- You must be in Human form to use this item
- You have to be a member of the Darkwraith Covenant
- Depending on where it is used, the player will spawn at a corresponding spawn location.
It will be awarded to the player by Darkstalker Kaathe after joining the Darkwraith covenant and ranking up to +1.1
Online Matchmaking
- The Red Eye orb will search for a host who is in human form. The host must also be in an area where they have not defeated the boss yet.
- It can invade other players that are 10% below your level, and infinitely upwards. This means a level 100 player can invade between the levels of 90 - 713.