Great Heal Excerpt
In-Game Description
Great miracle cast by advanced clerics.
Restores high HP.
Great Heal Excerpt borrows from only
several verses of Great Heal. As a result,
it can only be cast a stark few times.
- Sold by Petrus of Thorolund in Firelink Shrine.
- Sold by Patches in Firelink Shrine.
- Sold by Rhea of Thorolund in Undead Parish, after saving her in the Tomb of the Giants.
General Information
MagAdj Modifier | Uses | Duration | Dex Reduction | Stats Needed | Slot Cost | NPC Trainer | Training Cost |
0/0/0/0 | 1 | - | 0 frames | 14 Faith | 1 Attunement Slot | Petrus of Thorolund Rhea of Thorolund Patches |
10,000 Petrus 2,000 Rhea 10,000 Patches |
- The middle variant of heal miracles. Heals like Great Heal, but only one use. Amount healed is 8 times the Talisman's MagAdjust.
- As it only has one use charge, it can only heal 8 times the Talisman's MagAdjust per Attunement slot, worse than even the basic Heal. It does however restore more than twice the amount healed by the Heal miracle per cast. It can be useful for boss fights where a huge amount of HP needed to be restored in the least amount of time.
MagAdj Modifier: |
The Magic Adjustment Modifier stat dictates how much damage the spell does. The Damage stats for a weapon are W / X / Y / Z:
Certain enemies are weak or strong against different damage types. |
Uses: | The number of times a spell can be used before having to refill it by sitting at a bonfire. Having found and attuned multiple of the same spell will multiply the number of times it can be used. Some spells will reduce the counter my more than 1 with each cast. |
Duration: | The duration casted buffs, lingering or the player following attacks last. Can be extended with the Lingering Dragoncrest Ring. |
Slot Cost: | The number of attunement slots necessary to attune one instance of a spell. |
Stats Needed: | The Stats Needed determines how high various Stats must be in order to cast a spell. One also needs to be able to wield the catalyst used. Pyromancies do not require any stats, Sorceries require a minimum Intelligence, Miracles require a minimum Faith. |
Dex Reduction: | The number of frames by which the startup of a spell is shortened at 45 dexterity, see Casting Speed. |
NPC Trainer, Training Cost: |
The NPC who can teach the player the spell for the Training Cost. |